
Can You Replace Your Own Toilet?

toilet replacement

Can You Replace Your Own Toilet?

If you need to replace or install a new toilet, it will be very, very important to first contact a licensed and certified plumber. The reason why this is the case is due to the fact that you will need to have the necessary plumbing equipment, a few hours devoted exclusively to the process, and experience. The tools and materials that are needed include a new toilet, a replacement wax ring, rubber gloves, a hacksaw, a putty knife, adjustable wrenches, and more.

How Long Does it Take to Replace a Toilet?

Are you wondering how long it will take for your toilet to be replaced? The answer may surprise you. According to leading estimates, it takes approximately four to six hours. During this process, the old toilet will be removed, and the new toilet installed. There is a remarkable number of things that need to be addressed, with special importance placed upon the flange of the toilet.

Do All Toilets Fit the Same?

When it comes to toilet repair and installation it’s important for you to a little bit of research. For instance, one of the big questions that comes up is whether toilets fit the same. It is important to consider that most toilets have 12-inch rough-in. Less commonly, you will find a toilet with a ten or fourteen-inch rough-in measurement. That means that if you already have a ten or fourteen inches rough in toilet project, your toilet options will be more limited. It’s important to remember that when you are looking to replace your existing toilet that you will need to find and locate a toilet with the same measurements.

What Toilets Do Plumbers Recommend?

Are you wondering what the true plumbing experts recommend? When it comes to toilets, plumbers have a lot of knowledge and expertise to share. Please review the following list to find out what true plumbers recommend.

  • 2.1 TOTO MS604114CEFG#11 Ultramax Eco One-piece Toilet with Sanagloss rises to the top of many plumber’s lists. 
  • 2.2 TOTO CST454CEFG#01 Drake II Toilet with Elongated Bowl is the Two-Piece top pick for many plumbers.
  • The 2.3 KOHLER 3810-0 Santa Rosa comfort toilet is yet another very highly-ranked option.

Your local, certified, and insured plumber will have some options for your toilet replacement. It is best to listen to a professional when it comes to all of your plumbing services.

How Often Should You Replace Your Toilet?

Are you wondering what the average life expectancy of your toilet is? According to leading plumbing experts, you can expect your toilet to last anywhere from ten to fifteen years. With routine maintenance and cleaning, your toilet could last longer, however. With regard to your toilet seat, you may have to replace it with more frequency. That is because the longevity of toilet seats has declined due to the fact that plastic has been substituted for metal bolts.

What to Measure for Toilet Replacement

Are you wondering how to measure for your toilet replacement? Here are a few tips. If your existing toilet has four bolts, it will be important for you to measure to the center of the back bolts. This measure is known to plumbers as the rough-in measurement. If you have a standard toilet, the rough-in measurement should be between eleven and thirteen inches. It is important for you to keep this measurement handy when you are in the process of purchasing a new toilet.

Where to Find Measurement for Toilet Tank Lid

As mentioned previously, the normal range for the left to right of your toilet tank lid should be about 12 to 24”. Most tank lids will be anywhere between seventeen to twenty inches. The normal expected range for the front to the back should be six to twelve inches. Most tank lids measure seven to nine inches.

Where to Buy Replacement Toilet Seat

There are a number of different places for you to purchase a replacement toilet seat. These locations include home improvement stores, over the internet, and more. As a matter of fact, your local, qualified plumber will be able to discuss your options with you. They may be able to suggest brands or manufacturers for your size toilet.

toilet replacement

Replacement Toilet For Travel Trailer

If you need a replacement toilet for your travel trailer, it will be important for you to abide by the measurements of your existing toilet. It will also be critical for you to locate a responsible and certified plumber so that you can get the best plumbing services available.

If you need a toilet replacement in Fort Worth, TX, it’s important for you to know your options. Please feel free to reach out to us at 817-542-1980 for more information.

How Do You Clean Drains?

A Clogged Sink

How do you clean drains?

Keeping your drains clean means more than removing clogs. Drain cleaning also means getting rid of odors and washing away the materials that can lead to clogs. In fact, taking some of the following steps will not only keep away foul odors, they can prevent clogs from forming in the first place.

  • Eliminate odors using a mixture of white vinegar, baking soda, and hot water. Pour about ½ cup each of baking soda and vinegar down the drain first, plug the drain, and allow the mixture to sit for 15 minutes. Boil water and pour it down the drain.
  • Use a biological cleaner like Zep or Citra-Drain that uses enzymes or other biological agents to eliminate odors and buildup.
  • Use a mixture of ice, coarse salt, and lemon peels to clean a stinky garbage disposal. Grind the mixture in the disposal to scour build-up.

When you do have a bad clog, don’t risk damaging your pipes with a strong off-the-shelf drain cleaner. Instead, leave the drain cleaning in Fort Worth, TX to the professionals at True Plumbing. You can get our assistance by calling 817-542-1980.

What do plumbers use to unclog drains?

When you call out a professional plumber like True Plumbing to unclog a drain, they have multiple options for drain cleaning. A simple clog may only require a simple tool like a plunger. Of course, most people are familiar with the drain auger, or snake, and you might even have a mechanical, hand-cranked one. But, plumbers often use motorized snakes that clean out clogs thoroughly without damaging the pipes. For really serious clogs or blockages caused by debris like tree roots, plumbers often use hydro-jetting technology, in which high-pressure streams of water are shot through the pipes to clear the clog. 

Drain cleaning and camera

Sometimes clogs get deep in the drains and sewer lines, or the lines get blocked with tree roots or other debris. In this case, plumbers often need to send a camera down the line to find the blockage before it’s cleared. These waterproof cameras are mounted on a tube and sent down the sewer line while the plumber monitors it on a screen to find the clog. Often these clogs have to be cleared with a hydro-jetting machine.

Drain cleaning for roots

Tree roots can become a serious problem for your sewer and drain lines, often causing clogs that can lead to nasty back-ups. Several methods can be used for drain cleaning in this case. One method you can use is pouring rock salt down the toilet and flushing. Rock salt—copper sulfate—is poisonous to plants and leeches water from the roots. You can also use foaming root killers that are less abrasive on the pipes.

What is a good homemade drain cleaner?

When it comes to do-it-yourself drain cleaning without chemicals, it’s preferable not to use off-the-shelf drain cleaners. While they often do the trick, repeated use can really damage your pipes and can also harm the environment. There are many mixtures you can make yourself that will unclog your drains if you are wondering, “How do I unclog my drain naturally?” Many times you can use things you have in your kitchen or pantry. Two of the most common items on these lists include baking soda and vinegar. Pour about half a cup each down your kitchen sink, plug the sink, and let them sit for about 15 minutes before pouring a pan of boiling water down the sink will break up some common clogs like grease. 

You may have to rinse with boiling water several times, though, to get particularly tough clogs cleared. Baking soda, salt, and about one-eighth cup of cream of tartar also works. This mixture will have to sit overnight for it to be effective. Borax, salt, and vinegar can also be mixed together and rinsed with boiling water. The mixture will have to sit for about half an hour.

To cut simple grease clogs, mix two tablespoons of dishwashing detergent in with boiling water and pour it down the drain. You can do this at least once per week to keep grease and oils like coconut oil from building up in the sink. One advantage of almost all these solutions: most will also eliminate any odors the clogs have created.

Will Coca Cola unclog a drain?

You may have seen Coca Cola used to clean corrosion off a car battery, but will the soft drink work for drain cleaning? Yes, is the short answer. You can pour a 2-liter bottle of Coke or similar soft drink down a drain to clear a drain. Let it work for about an hour before rinsing the drain with hot water. It acts similarly to a commercial drain cleaner. It’s usually best to use colas for stubborn clogs, while baking soda and vinegar work best for smaller clogs. The syrups and sugars can leave a sticky film on the sink and drain that will need to be rinsed away.

Plumber Uses Handheld Auger to Clean Drain.

Drain cleaning in my area

If you have a serious clog and need help with drain cleaning in Fort Worth, TX, you can always trust the professionals at True Plumbing for fast, effective service. We offer a full range of plumbing services throughout the DFW area. Get help from us today by calling 817-542-1980.

What happens if a water pipe breaks?

Water pipe leaking under a sink

What causes a broken pipe?

If you have a broken water pipe what does it mean?! Well, water goes everywhere!  Or it may be just a small broken pipe and the water just trickles out forever. What happens for sure, a broke pipe water bill is not your friend. So, if it is a small break that is trickling, if that broken water pipe fix doesn’t happen soon, you’ll notice it on the water bill later. 

Maybe not all homeowners, but many have experienced a broken pipe during the winter. Cold weather can be rough on water pipes with the freezing temperatures, frozen ground, and blustery cold northern winds. If there is any water left in the water pipe, it will freeze, expand the water pipe then burst.

Then when the temperature reaches above the freezing mark, the pipes thaw and water is gushing everywhere.  Sometimes it is underground, under the house, and unfortunately, many times, a broken pipe happens in the house too. 

Did you know that you could experience a broken pipe during the summer too? Or any time of the year!  Here, we have a list of some common non-cold weather broken pipe causes: 

The most common reason that water pipes bust is because of frozen water within the water pipes is because of the below-freezing temperatures.  The following are other likely reasons why a water pipe could burst that you should be aware of:

  • Rusted Water Pipes:  Water pipes don’t last forever, over time, they become worn out and rust. Too much rust, wear, and tear will lead to a broken pipe. How long do they last? There are few factors that determine that, with the first one being how much and how often the pipe used, what is the water quality, and what are the water pipes made from? 
  • Hard Water: While they are safe for humans and animals, f your water has a high level of calcium and magnesium, it can wear your water pipes out faster from corrosion, and you’ll end up with a broken pipe and water everywhere.
  • Poor Installation: A poor fitting can cause a broken pipe or soldering job. The moment you detect a leak, call a professional plumber to have it tightened up or replaced.

What are the signs of a broken water pipe?

A broken pipe doesn’t have to be a surprise. With regular inspections around your home, you can spot water pipes that look old, weak, worn out and could be a risk of bursting when under the pressure of water flowing through them.  Here are some warning signs that will let you know a pipe is about at its end of life.

  • Water Stains on Walls: If the walls around or near the water pipe have water stains, you probably already have a broken pipe with a small leak. No matter how small, it can damage your home and the sooner you have a professional plumber on the job, the better.  
  • Water is Discolored: Are you getting brown or yellowish water out of your pipes?  If yes, then you probably have a broken pipe somewhere between the main water connection and your house.
  • Low Water Pressure: Water pressure can drop for several reasons, and some may have nothing to do with your home. However, water pressure drops can also be from a mineral buildup in your water pipes and after some time of that building up, you get a broken pipe. If you’re noticing a drop in water pressure, call a professional plumber to inspect your pipes. 

How long does it take to fix a broken water pipe?

Well, that depends on what type of broken pipe it is, the size, and where it is. A water main break can take hours, even days to fix. If it is a water pipe inside your house, that will usually take just a few hours, but again, what type of pipe, the size and where it is located could turn a two-hour job in an all-day job.

dug up and repaired pipe

How do you fix a broken pipe?   

Are you trying to fix the broken water pipe outside of your house? If it is underground, you may need a backhoe to get to the broken pipe. If it is inside your house, follow these steps to fix the broken pipe:

  • Cut sections of the damaged drywall out with a saw.
  • Wrap the broken pipe with a sheet and move the pipe around until the sheet is wet.
  • Place something under the broken pipe to catch water.
  • Cut just below where the broken pipe is leaking.
  • Wipe the pipe dry.
  • Cut just above where the broken pipe is leaking.
  • Now clean the pipe and mount a copper sleeve to join the cut pipe together.

Is a broken pipe covered by homeowner’s insurance?

All homeowner’s insurance policies are different, and it is to your best interest to check with your agent or your policy to see if yours specifically covers broken pipes. Typically, if there is damage because of a broken pipe that was unexpected and unforeseen, then it will be covered.  If, however, there is water damage from a broken pipe, leaky pipe, or rusty pipe, that is deemed homeowner neglect, they will not cover it. 

No matter how small a water leak may be from a broken pipe, it is essential to the wellbeing o your home have it fixed promptly. A small leak from a broken pipe can do more damage than a major broken pipe. Get your leak repaired today! Calll True Plumbing at 817-542-1980!

How do you prevent backflow?

sewer pipe in the ground

Why is backflow prevention important?

Before we answer the question of how you prevent backflow, let’s clarify what backflow is and we need backflow prevention.  Backflow in this article will be in reference to plumbing and is when unwanted water flows in a reverse direction than desired.

For example, if the water waste in the toilet flowed back toward the water supply source. This can create health risks by contaminating the potable water supply with wastewater. There are building codes in place that mandate measures to be followed to prevent backflow from happening.

We get from various outlets in our homes every day and tend to forget where that water comes from or realize that water is connected to the same water systems of almost everyone else around us.  We don’t realize what backflow prevention is doing for us as we turn on the faucet in our bathrooms and kitchens.

While every home has its own water pipes coming in, supplying it with freshwater, that water is coming through city waterpipes first by way of local water supply treatment plant. The water that goes into those treatment plants comes from reservoirs and rivers.  If it wasn’t for backflow prevention measures put into law in 1973 by the U.S. Government, the water supply to our homes and entire neighborhoods would have contaminated water siphoned back to us.

Backflow prevention explained in a simple manner: Each homeowner that uses fertilizers that attach to their water hose could be poisoning their own water supply as well as the neighborhood if it wasn’t for backflow prevention and backflow preventer irrigation systems. Without these measures in place, if any pressure changes were to take place, the contents of the fertilizer would be sucked back into the local freshwater system and into every home on that water system.

What happens if backflow occurs?

Backflow happens when contaminated water is allowed to run opposite of what is determined to be the normal direction toward clean water. An example would be the water that you flush after using the toilet should go into a septic system or sewer system. Where there isn’t any backflow prevention, that wastewater would flow into the clean water system that we use for bathing, cooking, and drinking.

Why do I need a backflow device?

Experts recommend that every home or structure have a backflow preventer installed wherever water comes in that has any chance of crossing paths with wastewater. Newer homes typically have backflow preventers built-in on certain water lines, but it doesn’t hurt to have your water system checked by a plumber with a backflow preventer check valve and backflow prevention certification to verify this and install any backflow prevention devices if needed.

What are four types of backflow prevention devices?

There are several different backflow devices to choose from, each one will keep the incoming water clean in your home. Which backflow prevention device you need will depend on the water backflow prevention you require. The following is four of the most common ones with description and explanation.

  • The Atmospheric Vacuum Breaker: This elbow-shaped device has a 90-degree angle bend with a valve on the inside that prevents the backflow of water, based on water pressure. It is installed 6 inches from where the downstream is and can be used on PVC pipes. This backflow prevention device cannot be tested.
  • The Chemigation Valve: A common choice for agricultural areas that keeps the water supply clean for local areas where chemigation like fertilizers, farming pesticides, and other chemicals are present. This valve has several components, including a flapper that is spring operated that allows only one direction for water flow.  It also has an air vacuum release valve, a low-pressure drain, and an injection port.  This backflow prevention device is installed where the chemicals are introduced to go downstream of it.
  • The Hydrostatic Loop: The pipes for this backflow prevention device are in a vertical formation and must be above 33 free to appropriately function and prevent backflowing and siphoning into a clean water system.
  • The Double Check Valve: This valve type is typically is used on fire sprinkler systems and lawn sprinkler systems. A ball valve is assembled on both ends, sometimes referred to as a gate valve, that allows isolation and/or testing.
large pipe that is breaking and causing backflow

Can a backflow preventer cause low water pressure?

There is a backflow preventer or PRV (pressure reducing valve) installed in some homes. There is an internal assembly in a pressure reducing valve that consists of discs and springs to regulate the incoming pressure to the home. When these parts begin to fail, a reduced flow for the whole house is often the result. However, reduction in the water pressure inside the house at every fixture can also be caused by corroded water pipes or it could stem from the municipal water flow is low.  A partially closed valve can often be the culprit as well.

This isn’t a device or process that the average homeowner or the occupants think about, many aren’t even aware there is such a device, nor do they realize the importance of it. Now that you have read this piece, each time you turn your water on to cook dinner or get a glass of water to drink, you can be thankful for this type of device and have made sure that water is safe. For your backflow prevention needs in Fort Worth, TX, call 817-542-1980 today.

What is Considered a Plumbing Emergency?

A Plumber Repairs a Pipe in a Wall.

What is considered a plumbing emergency?

In general, any plumbing problem could be considered a plumbing emergency, especially if it comes on suddenly and requires an urgent emergency plumbing repair. Plumbers, however, usually find themselves called out for these common issues:

  • Burst pipes: Whatever causes a burst pipe, it needs to be repaired as soon as possible to prevent extensive water damage. Once a leak is discovered, you’ll want to switch off your water and call in a plumber.
  • Frozen pipes: The most common cause of burst pipes is frozen pipes. Frozen pipes can be thawed with care using hot water bottles.
  • Plumbing fixture leaks: You can shut off the valve to individual fixtures to prevent water damage before the plumber arrives to fix the leak.
  • Clogged drains and toilets: Get the clog cleaned as soon as possible. Clogs can cause pressure to build up in the pipe and cause it to split or break.
  • Gas leaks: Once you smell gas, you need to get out of the building as soon as possible before calling in a plumber to repair the leak. The gas should be shut off as quickly as possible, as well.

Anytime you have these problems or others with your plumbing and need emergency plumbing repair in Fort Worth, TX, you can rely on True Plumbing for fast, effective repairs. You can reach us 24/7 by calling 817-542-1980.

How can you tell where a water leak is coming from?

Unless you see the pipe under your sink leaking or have drip from your ceiling or other visible evidence, you may not know where a leak is coming from or even if you have a leak in the first place. If there’s no visible evidence of a leak, the first indication of a leak may be an unexplained spike in your water bill. If you think you may have a plumbing leak, you may be able to detect it by switching off your water and checking your water meter. If the leak indicator on the meter is still moving, there’s probably a leak. The leak indicator is either a triangular dial or small silver wheel that rotates as water flows through the meter.

You can also determine whether the leak is outside or inside by shutting off the maint water valve and checking the meter. If the leak indicator is not moving, the leak is inside the house. If it’s moving, the leak is outside. Other common leaks include a leaking toilet. If the toilet is constantly running, it may indicate you have a problem with the flapper valve. The flapper is probably worn or corroded and needs to be replaced so it will seal the valve properly after the toilet is flushed. 

In most cases, especially if you have a burst pipe, you’ll want to get the leak repaired as soon as possible. Quick emergency plumbing leak repair may require you to call out a plumber after hours for emergency leak repair. Make sure you call on plumbers you can depend on like those at True Plumbing. 

Sometimes leaks can fool you. A drip from the ceiling, for instance, may not be caused by plumbing. Instead, it could be a roof leak. If you have frequent problems with roof leaks, you may want to replace your roof with a metal roof to lower the risk of leaks. Standing seam metal roof installation will be required.

How do you fix a leaky pipe in the wall?

Often, when plumbers are called out for emergency plumbing repair, they’re going to repair a burst pipe inside a wall. This requires them to cut out sections of damaged drywall to make the repair. While it’s not recommended, you can repair a pipe inside a wall yourself if you have the tools and skills. You’ll also have to start by cutting away the drywall to expose the pipes. Follow up with these steps:

  • Shut off the water.
  • Use a sheet and wrap it around the pipe to find out where the leak is located. Water will dampen the sheet at the break. 
  • Put a bucket or other container under the pipe to catch spillage, and dry the pipe.
  • Use a pipe cutter to cut the pipe under the leak and then cut above the leak.
  • Clean the pipe inside and out
  • Mount a repair sleeve to the cut ends of pipe.
  • Finish by patching up the wall.

Emergency plumbing repair kit

When you have a plumbing emergency, it may take time for a plumber to come out for the repair. You may want to keep a few tools and items around to make up an emergency repair kit. 

In your kit you want the following:

  • A bucket
  • A plunger
  • Several wrenches
  • Adhesives like duct tape or even plumber’s tape or quick-drying cement
  • Flashlight
  • Gloves

How much do plumbers charge for emergency calls?

Emergency plumbing repair costs will vary. Labor charges, for instance, may vary if a call is after hours. Some plumbers charge extra to come out after hours, while others have set rates no matter the time they come out. Fees normally run between $50 and $100, and after hours fees may be doubled. Hourly labor charges will be factored into the total cost of the repair.

Is plumbing covered by home insurance?

In general, most plumbing repairs are not covered by homeowners insurance. On the other hand, sometimes an emergency plumbing repair may be covered. If you’ve had a pipe suddenly burst in a wall, the water damage may be covered, but a gradual leak that’s been leaking for some time will normally not be covered. Check with your insurance company to find out the particulars of your policy.

A Woman Place a Bucket Under a Leaking Pipe.

Emergency plumbing repair near me

When you need 24 hour emergency plumbing repair in Fort Worth, TX, the plumbers to count on for fast, effective repairs are those at True Plumbing. We provide a full range of plumbing services. Find out how we can help by calling 817-542-1980.

How Do I Know If There is a Slab Leak in My Home?

busted pipe needing slab leak repair

Dealing With Broken Pipes and More

Leaking pipes are something most homeowners will have to deal with. If you are lucky, the problem will be easy to find and deal with. Unfortunately, many homeowners will have to deal with foundation leaks. When there is a leak under your foundation or slab, it can be hard to identify and even harder to repair. For reliable detection and slab leak repair in Fort Worth, TX, look no further than True Plumbing. Call us at 817-542-1980 to get started. 

slab leak repair

Signs of a Slab Leak

There is no worse feeling than finding a leak in your home. That is even truer when the leak is occurring under your foundation. Slab or foundation leaks are serious problems that need to be addressed as soon as possible. But how do you know the difference between a pipe leak and a slab leak? There are a few things to look for.

  • Spikes in Bills: One of the first signs of a leak can be found in your water bills. If you start to notice significant spikes, despite a lack of water use, there is likely a leak somewhere, potentially under the slab.
  • Water Pooling: A more obvious sign of a leak would be water pooling. You may notice spots of standing water around the foundation in your home or outside the home. 
  • Damp Carpets: If you have covered the foundation with carpet, you may notice a leak if areas of the carpet suddenly become damp or soaking wet. 
  • Hot Floors: Depending on where the leak is, you can test the foundation for heat. If the leak is on the hot water side, a certain section of the foundation will feel incredibly hot to the touch.
  • Foundation Cracks: Because the foundation isn’t meant to soak in water, it will crack after extended exposure to moisture. If you are noticing significant or troublesome cracks in the slab, contact a plumber immediately.

Slab leak detection and repair need to be handled as soon as you start to notice signs of trouble. These are not like gutter repairs which you could potentially do yourself. Repairing a slab or foundation leak will require expert knowledge and experience. For that, rely on True Plumbing.

Slab Leak Repair or Repipe

If you are starting to notice problems with the water flow or foundation in your home, slab leaks are a likely problem. So, how are slab leaks repaired? It starts by finding the source of the problem. If there is a pipe under your foundation that has broken, the contractor will need to dig down to find it and fix it. Today, there is improved technology that allows for plumbers to find leaking pipes without digging up the foundation at the same time. Yes, this will increase the slab leak repair costs, but generally speaking, repairs will be cheaper than whole house repiping in Fort Worth, TX

Depending on the extent of the damage and the age of the pipes, though, repiping may be the better route to take. Doing so will prevent future problems that could cost you even more money. To determine whether repairs or repiping is the best choice for you, talk with True Plumbing. We’ll go over everything to help you make a decision. 

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How much does it cost to repair a slab leak? 
    • Overall, it will cost about $2,000 to repair a slab leak. On top of that, it will likely cost between $150 and $400 for leak detection services. We suggest homeowners average for about $3,000 in total for repairs, labor, fees, and more.
  • Are slab leaks covered by homeowners insurance?
    • It will depend on the cause of the leak and the extent of the damage. Generally speaking, though, insurance will pay to pull up your foundation and put it back but it will not pay to fix a leaking pipe.
  • How long does it take to fix a slab leak?
    • On average, it should take about 2 days to complete a slab leak repair. This includes time to pull up the foundation, find the problem, fix it, and replace the foundation. It may take a little longer depending on the finishes of your flooring.
  • How do I find water under a concrete slab?
    • There are a few obvious signs of a slab leak such as spikes in your water bill, water pooling, and cracks in the foundation. You can test if there is a leaking pipe under the slab by turning off the water to see if anything changes. 
  • How do you stop a slab leak?
    • Unfortunately, once a slab leak has happened it is hard to stop it. Once you have noticed a leak, the best thing you can do is find the water valve and shut it off. Doing so will prevent further damage so you can contact a plumber to begin repairs.
fixing pipe during slab leak repair

Connect With Us Today for More Information and Services

For trusted slab leak repair in Fort Worth, TX, True Plumbing is the only name to rely on. Call us at 817-542-1980 to schedule an appointment today. 

What is a Booster Pump Used For?

A Booster Pump

What is the use of booster pump?

Imagine stepping in your shower expecting a full blast of hot water just to get a trickle from the shower head. That’s a disappointing and frustrating moment. Once you’ve ruled out a problem with your plumbing, if the low water pressure is consistent, you may want to find a way to fix the problem. One solution is a booster pump. 

You may wonder, “What is a booster pump used for?” These devices connect to your water delivery system to increase your water pressure. With a booster pump installed you’ll get a consistent boost in your water pressure every time you use it. These devices work for both city systems and well water delivery.

If you have consistent problems with water pressure and are looking for a booster pump service in Fort Worth, TX, get help from the plumbing professionals at True Plumbing by calling 817-542-1980. We install, repair, and replace booster pumps.

Do I need a booster pump?

All of us have issues with low water pressure from time to time, but should you invest in a booster pump as a solution? Below are some reasons why you need to install a booster pump to prevent low water pressure.

  • If you are remodeling your bathroom you may want to add a booster pump to manage the water pressure for fixtures like extra shower heads or body sprayers
  • If you have hard water you may want to add a booster pump because hard water lowers water pressure over time.
  • If you are on a well water system booster pumps give you added power to circulate the water through your home.
  • Sprinkler systems will require the extra pressure produced by a booster pump.
  • Multistory buildings also require extra water pressure. 
  • For farming operations booster pumps are essential for proper irrigation.

Booster pumps are valuable for both home and commercial use. For commercial operations maintenance is essential to keep costs low, whether it’s for your plumbing system or you roof. Roofs are sometimes neglected until they cause problems like leaks. If you need commercial roof cleaning and maintenance in Fate, TX, and the surrounding area there are great companies that can help you avoid problems with your roofing system through regular maintenance.

How does a water booster pump work?

To increase water pressure, the booster pump works like a fan. It has an impeller that either spins or oscillates like a fan to move the water and increase the pressure. While the pump increases water pressure, one common problem with low water pressure is low flow as well. So you may wonder, “Will a booster pump increase flow?” The answer is the flow rate usually increases because the water pressure increases and pushes water faster through the pipe. Water flow will be affected if the water has to go uphill or travel around bends.

Booster pump with water tank

Booster pumps work in conjunction with water storage tanks to improve the water flow. The pumps  re-pressurize the water in the tank to get it to flow through the system. Rain collection systems, for instance, operate in this manner. They collect water in a storage tank that will require a booster pump to send it out of the tank and into the house and move it through the plumbing system. 

What is booster pump in water purifier

Along with increasing water pressure for the whole house, booster pumps are also used in reverse osmosis water purification systems. In those systems the pumps can be used to increase the pressure of the city system to improve the effectiveness of the reverse osmosis process. In the RO process, water is sent through a filter membrane at high pressure to filter out impurities in the water. While most home pressure systems can work at as low of pressure as 35 psi, ideally the higher the pressure the more effective the system will be. Lower water pressure will cause the unit to produce less drinking water, reject more water, slowly fill the storage tank, and lower the water quality. Booster pumps can increase the pressure to 80 psi or higher.

How much is a booster pump?

Costs vary for booster pumps depending on the size and features of the pump you choose. While there are some units available for under $600, the average price runs around $800. Some pumps will run more than $1,000. Labor charges for installation will also affect the price.

What is the best water pressure booster pump?

There are dozens of booster pumps on the market today. The best pump for you will depend upon your needs. Among some of the best brands and models on the market today include the BACOENG 160 psi high pressure pump; the Grundfos 98562817 SCLA2 3-45 AMCJDF 1×208-230V 60Hz pump; and the Zology Water Pressure Diaphragm Pump.

A Plumber Installs a Booster Pump.

Schedule Us Today

If you are having problems with low water pressure and are looking for a reliable company to install or repair your booster pump in Fort Worth, TX, you need to search no further than Fort Worth, TX. Get us scheduled by calling 817-542-1980.

Why Does My Garbage Disposal Keep Clogging?

Garbage Disposal Repair in Process

Why Did My Garbage Disposal Stop Working?

It is crucial for homeowners with a garbage disposal to reconsider how hardy their garbage disposal is. While garbage disposals are indispensable for tidying the kitchen, they are not impervious to damage. Overloading the garbage disposal with food scraps can cause it to overheat and trip the reset button. A peach pit or piece of hard matter could be trapped between the grinding plates. For such instances, if the usual steps do not work, it will be important to contact a plumber for garbage disposal repair.

Who to Call for Garbage Disposal Repair

Have you received a solid plumbing referral? If not, please feel free to contact your friends and neighbors to receive information about plumbers in your area. If your efforts have not revealed a plumber who can service your particular plumbing needs, the internet can be a good resource. A good internet search will reveal plumbing companies in your location. Check to make sure that they are licensed and certified in your state.

What Does it Mean When Your Garbage Disposal Just Hums?

Nearly every home in America has a garbage disposal. Because garbage disposals provide such valuable service, it continues to be important to keep them in good shape. The humming sound that your garbage disposal makes is a sign that there is electricity flowing through the unit, but that the blades are not functioning. One of the common pitfalls of garbage disposal units is a food clog. This occurs when pieces of food become lodged between the impeller blade and the drain hole, causing the unit to jam. Other causes of humming include a tripped GFI or disposer, and a stuck foreign object.

Garbage Disposal is Jammed

If your garbage disposal is jammed, the first thing you need to do is turn off the electricity to the unit. Caution is necessary. After this safety measure is achieved, there are a number of possible solutions. In fact, pressing the overload button, located underneath the disposal, may fix the issue right away. If the blades remain fixed or stuck, rotate them with an Allen wrench or a specialty garbage disposal wrench. If, after these measures have been checked, the garbage disposal is still broken, it’s time to call a licensed, insured plumber.

How Do I Know if My Garbage Disposal is Bad?

While garbage disposals were built with the intention of shredding food and waste for easy waste management, there are drawbacks. Small shreds of food can get stuck in your pipes and create a clog. Older garbage disposals and pipes are especially susceptible to damages. One of the chief ways to know if your garbage disposal is bad is if there are strange or unusual noises emanating from it during use. If your garbage disposal has a strange or bad smell that simply won’t go away despite repeated cleaning, this is also another bad sign. Finally, if your garbage disposal won’t won’t work at all, it’s time to call a professional plumber.

Garbage Disposal Repair or Replace

Garbage disposal replacement can be expensive and should be avoided when possible. If your garbage disposal is regularly maintained, there’s a far greater likelihood that it will perform well and only need repairs from time to time. If, however, your garbage disposal shows evidence of frequent clogs, and lack of efficiency, in addition to prevailing problems, it might be time for a replacement. While it is not unusual to need to press the reset button from time to time, this should not be a frequent occurrence. Signs of dull blades, and noticing that the food is taking a long time to grind are other signs that repair is necessary.

While considering your home improvement projects, it’s important to address any lingering air conditioning or heating issues. Bryant services are available for customers who have Bryant brand air conditioning systems. 

Why Is My Garbage Disposal Backing Up?

There are a number of reasons why your garbage disposal could be acting up. Please consider the following factors.

  • Fibrous foods such as celery, asparagus, onions, and more.
  • Fats, oils, and greases. 
  • Coffee grounds.
  • Eggshells.
  • Any variety of bones.
  • Non-food items. 
  • Pasta, rice, potatoes and potato peels. 

It is imperative for homeowners to consider what goes into their garbage disposal and whether it really belongs there.

Garbage Disposal Repair has Occurred for This Kitchen Sink.

Cost for Garbage Disposal Repair

Most garbage disposals cost about $250 to fix, including labor. This average comes from a range of $70 to $400. The individual labor cost for a plumber usually runs to approximately $80 per hour, but this price can vary from plumber to plumber. A garbage disposal replacement usually runs for $150 for the materials alone.

You need a plumbing company that knows how to perform garbage disposal repair in Fort Worth, TX, with proven results. Call True Plumbing at 817-542-1980 to speak with our staff about our quality kitchen repair in Fort Worth, TX.

What Causes Main Drain Clogs?

Shower Drain After a Drain Cleaning Service

How Do You Drain a Cleaner?

If you’ve experienced a problem with your drains, you might need a drain cleaning service. Many homeowners struggled with problematic drains that have deep, lurking problems. To begin with, it’s important for all people to know that chemical drain cleaners are dangerous to use, highly poisonous, and so caustic that they can cause skin burns. These chemical drain cleaners are not good for the environment, nor are they good for your pipes or for you. By contrast, a home drain cleaner is perfectly safe and easy to assemble. With a half of a cup of baking soda, and a half of a cup of vinegar, and some boiling water, you can a far better result that is both cheaper and safer for the environment.

The steps are as follows: slowly pour the baking soda down the drain. Next, slowly pour the vinegar down the drain. The mixture will bubble. Wait for the bubbling to go down, and carefully finish pouring the vinegar down the drain. Wait five minutes. You will want to finish the procedure by pouring a kettle of boiling water down the drain.

What’s Good for Cleaning Drains?

In fact, homeowners and business owners alike should take note that if they want to maximize their dollars, there are ways to implement various staples of the kitchen for addressing smelly drains. Natural cleaning products for drain cleaning are safer than toxic, chemical-based cleaners. Additionally, synthetic cleaners have sodium hydroxide or sulfuric acid in them, which can eat away at pipes over time. In the long term, these chemical drain cleaners will cause more problems in the long run because they erode your plumbing. Baking soda and vinegar, cream of tartar, simple detergent and hot water for grease clogs, and borax, salt and vinegar can assist.

How Much Does It Cost to Clean Main Drain?

At the end of the day, the costs associated with cleaning the main drain will be determined on the location of your home (with the associated cost of living), and the severity of the clog. According to one plumbing company based in Massachusetts, the cost to snake a drain comes to a flat fee of $195 for kitchen sinks and $170 for bathroom sinks and tubs. As previously stipulated, the price varies depending on the market and the severity of the clog. According to one estimate, the average cost to clear a tub, kitchen or bathroom drain runs from $109 to $214.

How Do I Stop My Drains from Clogging?

The causes for clogs is long and lengthy, however, it is important for homeowners to know the basics of how they can keep their drains clean and pristine. Consult the following list to determine what the causes of clogs are.

  • Save cooking grease in an old coffee can or cardboard milk container. Dispose of this container in the trash.
  • If you drink coffee, throw the coffee grounds into the trash. You may also add these coffee grounds to your mulch pile or compost heap.
  • Use a screen or drain-grate to cover the drain’s opening and minimize problems with hair and soap scum. The accumulation of soap scum can catch other debris in the drain and cause serious clogs.

Why Does My Main Drain Keep Clogging?

A sewer line clog may not be immediately apparent, however, it can cause very real and catastrophic damage inside the parameters of a home. It could lead to sewage backup coming up the drains, which is not only a headache for homeowners, it can cause significant damage to the applicable appliances and fixtures. For mainline sewage problems, the problem could stem with the impetus of a blockage, or — worse — be caused by the protrusion of tree roots. Particularly in the case of older homes, the problem can certainly stem from tree roots. For newer homes, the culprit may be feminine hygiene products, paper towels, or even thicker types of toilet paper. One of the things that can affect the functionality of the pipelines in a home is invasive roots. Any tree roots close to the home need pruning from time to time by a qualified tree service.

Drain Clog with Grease

A sink drain that is clogged with grease is a surprisingly common plumbing problem that is entirely preventable. Dealing with a grease-clogged drain can be an annoying experience. When grease accumulates inside the drain pipe, it blocks the passage of water and leads to an overflow in the surrounding pipelines. Grease comes from the oil and fat that are the byproducts of foods or cooking processes. It is important to note that anything that comes from food or is used in the cooking process can be a potential cause for a clogged pipeline. Fat-based soaps also contribute to this substantive problem.

Drain Clog in Bathroom

If you have a clog in your bathroom, please rest assured that there are some fixes that you can implement. Obviously, in very severe cases, a plumber can provide immeasurable help. There are certain tools, such as a drain claw, which can provide immeasurable help in relieving drains from clogs. The procedure is fairly straightforward. Remove the strainer and the stopper. Use a washcloth or paper towel to remove any excess hair and soap scum that has accumulated around the strainer and the stopper. Once the strainer and the stopper are clean, insert the drain claw into the drain. When the drain claw is deep enough, it will encounter the drain trap. Please continue to push past the drain trap. Move the drain claw in a back and forth motion. Through a simple tool, lots of hair and soap scum can be removed.

Drain Clogged or Frozen

Have your water or energy bills skyrocketed recently? The culprit could actually be a broken pipe, which would require broken pipe repair. When a drain freezes and causes a clog, inevitably, it’s going to affect the enjoyment of your shower experience. Outside of professional drain cleaning service, with a few simple steps, you can clear the drain provided that the problem is not serious. Boil several gallons of water with a cup of salt. Salt is recognized as very good for melting ice. Dump half of a cup of baking soda down the drain. Next, pour one cup of vinegar down the drain, which will (as previously discussed) fizz and bubble. This process cleans the pipe and drains enough to allow everything to be flushed through the pipe after clearing the frozen clog. Slowly pour the boiling water down the drain. This procedure will melt the frozen clog and allow the baking soda and vinegar mixture to penetrate any buildup on the pipe walls.

Fresh Water on Drain After Drain Cleaning Service

Drain Clog Cleaner

Depending on the location of the drain, for instance, whether it is in the kitchen or the bathroom, will help homeowners determine how to direct their efforts for cleaning it. If the problem stems from fat and grease build-up, that will certainly help with addressing the issue correctly. Fatty substances are the number one reason for slow-draining kitchen sinks. Food particles and vegetable peels can become trapped in the curving pipe beneath the sink. Make sure that if the problem cannot be easily resolved through one of the previously stipulated methods, that a qualified local plumber is procured to administer drain cleaning service.

The drains in your home or property need to be handled with experience and precision. Our staff at True Plumbing are ready to assist. Please call us at 817-542-1980. Discover more about how our drain cleaning service in Fort Worth, TX can solve your drain issues!

How to Remodel Your Bathroom

A clean, white bathroom with toilets and a open-air shower. Purple orchids in the background.

How Much Will it Cost to Remodel My Bathroom?

Remodeling a bathroom is a large project. On average, a bathroom remodel can cost between nine thousand to eleven thousand dollars. For smaller budgets, there are ways to complete a partial level remodel. For instance, if you only want to install a new vanity and toilet, the associated costs will be far smaller. If you would like a more approximate estimate for how much your bathroom remodeling services will cost, put pen to paper and start enumerating a list of things that you would like to change. Once the list is completed, evaluate each aspect and the associated cost of execution. From there, you can balance your budget and your goals.

What are the Steps to Remodeling a Bathroom?

Let’s say that you want a complete bathroom remodel. If you want everything to be done, ranging from the floors, lighting, tiling, and layout, it can seem like a daunting task. Thankfully, a little organization can go a long way. First, set about creating a list of things you would like to accomplish. After doing some preliminary research, consult with approximately three different plumbing contractors to determine whether your goals can be reached based upon the current layout. Pro tip: if you don’t have to change the bathroom layout, you will save yourself a lot of money on labor.

Next, select the various materials and appliances for your dream bathroom. Do you want a walk-in shower? What about a walk-in tub? The list of options is endless. Once you have everything set in place, demolition begins. After the old appliances are removed, new ones are put in place, along with the tiling, light fixtures, and other appliances you have selected for the space. Allocate a timeline for the entire remodeling project, so you can have an achievable end.

How Do You Redo a Small Bathroom?

Remodeling a small bathroom is an easier and less costly expenditure than a large bathroom. However, you will need to be mindful of the space, so that you can maximize functionality. If you are updating all of the fixtures in the bathroom, make to to keep track of your measurements, and consult about the possibilities with your contractor and plumber. It will also behoove you to evaluate your flooring, wall and ceiling options. If you have tiles, and you would like to keep them, ascertain their condition, along with the condition of the grout. It will be a good time to update them if you are undertaking a renovation.

Home interior updates, such as bathroom remodels, are integral to the function of your home. In the future, you should consider home exterior updates, which provide resistance against storm elements.  Eventually, the exterior of your home will need to be updated. Use a fully-licensed, professional contractor for your home remodel.

How Can I Remodel My Bathroom for Cheap?

A finished bathroom remodeling project pays dividends. Why? The value of your home is increased. However, it is not always possible to spend multiple thousands of dollars on a bathroom remodel. With that said, there remain various ways you can extend your dollar amount by carefully considering cost-effective options versus more expensive ones. For example, using paint instead of tile will save you lots of money in the long run. Cleaning the grout between the tiles, and re-grouting them will save you the expenditure of a new floor.

A new faucet will also enliven the space, improving functionality with design. Is your heart set on that granite countertop? If not, laminate and tile countertops provide a cost-effective alternative.

How Much is a Small Bathroom Remodel?

With less square footage comes less strain on your budget. Fewer materials will need to be involved in order to make your bathroom look modern and new. Estimates weigh that a small bathroom remodel can cost as little as $2,500. Depending on the expense of fixtures, and materials used, this number can elevate with ease. Quartz countertops and a walk-in tub come with large price tags. Additionally, if a problem arises from plumbing or electrical issues, the total cost of the bathroom will elevate as well. Some expenses, such as choice of fixture, can be controlled. Others, such as necessary pipe replacement or improper wiring, cannot.

Bathroom Remodel on a Budget

There are a range of ideas to ruminate over when determining how to maximize your money. One of the ways, as previously discussed, is to limit the amount of tile that you use. Tile is expensive! Only use it when necessary, and consider other design elements to add attractiveness to the space. When possible, reuse recycled items. Rescued pipes can serve as towel racks, and provide a unique, industrial feel. An old dresser can be refurbished and transformed into a new sink vanity. Anything is possible with a little imagination!

A white bathroom with a plant in the foreground overlooks a river front.

Bathroom Remodel and Design

There are many excellent ideas that you should consider before beginning your bathroom remodeling project. For instance, you could have a neat feature wall made of incorporated limestone. An Edison bulb light fixture provides warmth, light, and a touch of urban design. A gold, round mirror above your sink provides an unexpected geometric element. A chandelier over your bathtub epitomizes old Hollywood glamour. Whatever your personal taste, incorporating it into your bathroom remodel serves to inject a little bit of yourself in the space.

Bathroom Remodel Ideas

A wealth of ideas awaits you on your journey to accomplish your bathroom remodel. Consult the following list for inspiration:

  • Beach style bathrooms provide a fun marine element in your bathing space. Seashell wallpaper and sand-colored tile enable a symbolic glimpse of the ocean.
  • Clean, white bathrooms give a uniquely contemporary element to your home. Selecting a bamboo mat and a clear, walk in shower serve to increase the idea of utility in this organic space.
  • Are you in the mood for an art deco feel? Select a chevron element for your tile floor installation. Cap it off with a stained glass Tiffany style lamp!

Bathroom Remodel How-To

One of the first, great steps you can take to start your bathroom remodeling project is to take stock of all your options, depending on budgetary restraints, timelines, and goals. At this stage, it’s really important to factor in what you want to accomplish. Use a sketch pad to sketch out what the bathroom should look like, and include accurate measurements of the space. When you hire your plumbing contractor, they will be able to work with your design and tell you what’s possible. After that, it’s a matter of overseeing the project, working with the contractors, and negotiating the timeline.

Do you have a bathroom remodel on your agenda? Our staff at True Plumbing are ready to take your phone call at817-542-1980. Receive an accurate estimate for your bathroom remodel in Fort Worth, TX!