Affordable Water Heater Repair

A Plumber Tests a Tankless Water Heater.

Affordable Water Heater Solutions

Producing hot water each day for the entire family; what a huge job your water heater fulfills each day! We usually think of our morning shower when it comes to the heater, but imagine all the clothes and dirty dishes that also require hot water. All of these responsibilities abruptly stop if this one heating appliance malfunctions.

The pros at True Plumbing are always happy to come to your home home, take a look at your water heater, and provide you with affordable solutions. So make sure you give us a call at 817-542-1980 for your water heater repair in Fort Worth, TX. Whether your unit is gas, electric, or tankless, we’ll handle it for you.

Water Heater Repair & Replacement

Your water heater can be counted among one of your most significant investments that you will have in life. You want to make sure that it’s properly maintained and running for as much of its lifespan as possible. It’s also important to know that you have the best unit available for your home. No single type of water heater is better than the others. It’s all a matter of your family’s specific functional needs. You can trust the experts at True Plumbing to provide you with the necessary guidance on how to choose the unit that will be the right fit for you. For further information, take a moment and read through the links below!

Choosing the Right Water Heater

When selecting a water heater, there are several elements to keep in mind. Some important things to consider include:

  • Cost: There are two costs to think about: the initial cost and cost of operation. By combining these two costs, you will get the true cost of that water heater.
  • Energy Efficiency: The more energy the unit saves, the less money it will cost to operate from day to day. The newer the model, the more energy efficient it will be (usually).
  • Fuel Source: The fuel that’s needed to operate your water heater affects the cost and overall operation. Water heaters can run on electricity, gas, geothermal and solar energy, or propane.
  • Size: This factor will determine whether or not it will have the ability to adequately provide hot water throughout the home. If it’s too small, there won’t be enough hot water to go around. And if it’s too large, it will work more than it has to, thus being a complete waste of energy.
A Gas Water Heater

Give Us a Call

Damage to your water heater can spell major trouble. So if you ever find yourself needing a replacement or water heater repair in Fort Worth, TX, you can reach the pros at True Plumbing by calling us at 817-542-1980.