Dealing With a Clogged Sewer Line

Water Puddle Forming in Tall Grass

Water is the Best Thing to See Leaking Out of Your Yard.

If you’re fortunate, you’ll never have to deal with a clogged sewer line. It’s stinky business! The potential backflow problems and yard leaks can result in some costly repair projects, unless you have an expert that can easily locate the problem. In the meantime, here are some common ways sewer line clogs occur, plus how you can avoid them!

What Causes a Clogged Sewer Line?

Knowing the source of the problem is the first step towards fixing it. There are a few usual suspects when it comes to clogged sewer lines, such as:

  • Mineral Deposits
  • Flushed Trash
  • Pipe Corrosion
  • Tree Roots
  • Shifting Earth

As you can see, these hazards are a blend of internal and external forces working against your pipes. If you start to notice sewer water seeping up through the ground, these are the typical causes.

What Solutions are Available for Me?

Advanced Corrosion Along the Siding of a Pipe

Extensive Pipe Corrosion Can Also Cause a Buildup Inside Your Pipes!

Thankfully, most of these issues are easily manageable. If your home regularly deals with dirt and mineral deposits in your sewer pipes, you’ll want to consider a whole house water filtration system. This may also help slow the rate of pipe corrosion, though far gone pipes should be quickly replaced. If a tree is the culprit behind your clogged sewer line, you might need to contact your local Fort Worth tree removal service. Tree roots can crack and grow into your pipes, so you don’t want them growing next to your sewer line or main water line.

Schedule Your Professional Sewer Line Repair!

Has your home been hit by a nasty sewer line clog? We’d love to help you take care of it quickly! Call our office at 817-542-1980 for True Plumbing sewer line repair.